Post your Brawl Friend Codes here....try to contact your opponent in all ways possible (Private Messages, we could even give you their e-mail or aim screen name if you ask)
RulesYou have until
Sunday April 27th to get your match in.
ALL Matches in THIS ROUND are subject to Video Recording and MUST be watched by a Mod or Admin for their results to count. Here is a list of the Mods or Admins that may watch/record matches and their Friend Codes:
Linkrules08 (Online Name: LINK): 3050-7260-4784
Chaos171 (Online Name: CHAOS): 4897-5598-0227
KingofKings (Online Name: KING): 2148-7803-2594
Iecman5 (Online Name: IEC): 3823-8180-1471
SmashHero24 (Online Name: SMASH): 4854-6100-8693